Where’s your head at? Keeping your mind on task.

It can be hard to stay focused throughout the day at work. This can be particularly problematic in jobs that have dangerous, even fatal, outcomes if you lose concentration.

A 2018 survey revealed that nearly 3 out of 4 workers (70%) admit they feel distracted at work, with 16% of people stating that they’re almost always distracted (Udemy: 2018 Workplace Distraction Report).

The answer to this problem is to improve focus in work zones. Here are some general tips for improving focus and concentration at work:

  • At the start of the day, make a list of all the tasks you aim to get done. Rank these in terms of priority and tackle the most important tasks first, when energy levels are optimal.
  • Set aside time to refocus. Doing a small action like taking a walk, making yourself lunch, or getting a coffee can help improve brain function and concentration.
  • Find a routine that works for you. Everyone accomplishes their best work at different times of the day to others. Find when you are your most productive and do challenging and dangerous tasks at that time. Repeating this routine every day can help you get into the habit of focusing on this work when you most need to concentrate.
  • Minimise online distractions. This can include email, phone calls, and checking social media. When you start an important task, let people know you are unavailable and turn your electronics to silent.
  • Drown out noise. Studies show that listening to music that you know and really enjoy can be distracting. So instead choose music or premade playlists that you are less familiar with, or otherwise instrumental songs or ‘white noise’ apps.
  • Focus on one task at a time. Research shows that the human brain is not wired to do more than two tasks at once. Multitasking splits our maximum level of attention between multiple activities, meaning neither activity is receiving our full attention. This can be dangerous in the case of handling heavy machinery. Instead, aim to work sequentially through your tasks throughout the day.

Another important aspect of your ability to concentrate is your mental and physical health. Always aim for 7 hours of sleep each night, stick to nutritious meals, limit caffeine and take active breaks.

In hazardous workplace environments, it is particularly dangerous if employees struggle with concentration. Focused workers are more productive, make fewer mistakes, and are less likely to be involved in accidents. Some tips that are particularly important in these environments include:

  • Limit distractions: in hazardous warehouse or factory environments, employee focus must be on their task, and the safety of their co-workers. Common distractions can include workplace chat, mobile phones, other personal technology, and workplace noise. Policies should be implemented to limit these distractions where possible.
  • Take regular breaks: long spells of work and continuous repetitive tasks lead to weariness and increase the risk of loss of concentration. Employees should be encouraged to take regular breaks, allowing for mental relaxation and recovery.


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