While keeping healthy people healthy is important, our approach aims to impact the AT RISK population that most programs don’t touch. We provide a personal, individual approach to meet people where they’re at.


voluntary engagement of the total workforce


positive health changes (no incentives)

Our Services

Health by Design is the most effective provider at engaging the total workforce and improving the core health and lifestyle behaviours of your employees.

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Stress, burnout, and other mental health burdens are driving disengagement, productivity loss and turnover. Our programs are PROACTIVE and promote positive mental wellbeing behaviours across your workforce.

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Our science-based, high-performance programs offer unique personal and professional development. Your leadership team will learn the mechanisms of stress and burnout along with specific actions to better sustain their health, focus and performance.

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Averaging 30-60% reductions in MSK injuries, Health by Design ergonomic and injury prevention programs are tailored to your specific job-tasks and unique work environment. Relevance and specificity leads to greater action and outcomes.

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Addressing employee safety at the individual level as well as concurrently influencing strong safety policies and culture at your organisation, presents enormous value potential, not only by reducing safety incidents and workers compensation costs, but by also improving absence rates and productivity.

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2020 was the year that ‘virtual’ truly took off. Today, we are continuing to offer virtual services to help keep your workforce engaged and motivated. From assessments to webinars, we have you covered.

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HBD Point of Difference


voluntary engagement of the total workforce


positive health changes (no incentives)

Client testimonials - employee wellness, delivered better.

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